Wow! February already! With today's snow day, this week is shaping up to be a short one!
Tuesday is our first of two conference days this month. I have a full day of conferences planned for tomorrow, however, if you would like a conference and have not signed up yet, please look at available times for February 11.
This month current events are voluntary and we have about 8 students signed up to present. If your child has not signed up, but would like to, please have them check on an available date with me this week.
We continue to read our mystery book while taking notes like a
detective. We are also reading our independent chapter books and writing
a short response each day.
We will finish drafting our informational writing piece while
working on revising. We will also look at adding text features to make
our writing more interesting.
We will continue division, looking specifically at rules to understand when you have a divisor of 1 and 0. We will spend a large portion of this week looking at word problems and figuring out when to multiply or divide to answer the story problem.
This week we will also continue to work on Area. This week we will find the area of large figures and
irregular figures.
We have begun learning about the Solar System. This week we will
use the internet and books to research the planets. We will research
Earth together to learn how to use these resources. Then the students
will research each planet on his/her own.
Valentine's Day:
We will celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 13th. If your child chooses, they can make a Valentine for each child in the class. They may decorate a "mailbox" for their Valentines. This "mailbox" could be a shoe box, a gift bag, a decorated coffee can, etc. Be creative! Please bring your "mailbox" and your Valentine's to school on Friday, February 13th. I will email you a class list so your child will be sure to make a card for each classmate.
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