Monday, January 19, 2015

Star Lab wraps up!

I hope you all have had a wonderful long weekend! We have a short, jam-packed week ahead! This week we'll dive into the mystery genre in reading workshop. We'll learn how authors of this genre set up their stories for their readers to try to solve the mystery, just like the detective or sleuth does! We will be learning the vocabulary associated with this genre as well.

We'll continue our non-fiction writing unit. We have developed strong tables of contents for our topics, have thought through each chapter and have practiced various non-fiction text structures. This week, we'll begin writing our chapters, thinking about the best ways to present our information, making it easiest for our readers to follow.

In math, we've begun looking at division concepts and have been learning about perimeter and now focusing on area. We continue to practice our math facts in class, and practice at home is highly encouraged!

Star Lab wraps up this week with a focus on the Big and Little Dippers. Last week, we understood the reasons for seasons, and this week we'll learn how to find Polaris using Ursa Major and be able to identify which season we are in based on the position of the dippers in the night sky.

If you haven't already done so, please sign up for a conference time with me. Report cards will be posted on ASPEN on January 30th. Please let me know if you'd like to make your conference a phone conference. If this is your preference, sign up for a time on signup genius, and then email me your preference, including the best number to reach you at the time you choose.

Enjoy the week!

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