Welcome back! I hope you all enjoyed your children last week. I know I enjoyed my time at home! February was a busy month where we finished up mysteries, learned about division and time, wrote non-fiction pieces, and began looking at the Solar System.
In reading workshop we are now going to begin Biographies. This week we will learn what a biography is, learn how they're structured, and immerse ourselves in reading different biographies.
During writing workshop, we will tie up any loose ends we have on our non-fiction pieces and begin learning about on demand writing. This writing is different than what we have been doing thus far. We will be learning how to organize our writing in a quick and efficient way and then write a well developed piece in a certain amount of time.
We have been introduced to all of our division facts and took a test on division concepts that will be coming home with your child this week. We continue to have our multiplication math fact quizzes on Fridays and will hopefully be wrapping them up by the end of March. Continue to practice multiplication and begin working on division facts with your children!
Our focus this week will be an introduction into Fractions. We will also be doing some work with Perimeter. We will practice our math facts as well.
In Science we have looked at various aspects of our Solar System and beginning on Tuesday we will be conducting research on all of the planets.
Each day is very busy in our room!
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