Monday, December 16, 2013

Wrapping up December

We have been extremely busy this month! A few important notes for this week:

1. Your child brought home a spelling list for this week on Friday. Our spelling test will be on Thursday.

2. Your child will not have any written homework over the break. This includes no reading calendar, however, it is my hope they continue to read!!

3. As of last week, your child has been introduced to all of the multiplication facts 0 - 10. Please be practicing facts each night. This past Friday, most of us took our 9's fact test. If your child received a 30/30 in 2 minutes, this Friday they will be taking their 3's fact test. If your child did not receive a 30/30, your child will retake the 9's this Friday.

4. This Friday, we will have a holiday party in class. If you signed up to bring something in, our room parent will be contacting you.

We have begun Raz-Kids which is an online reading program. Students may access this from home at Students are required to read, listen, and take a quiz for each book. They are to receive a 100% on each quiz before moving on to the next book in the program. This may require a student to reread and take the quiz more than once. Your child does not have an individual password. Our login is lpetersaw.

Type to Learn 4 is a computer program that teaches students how to type using the home row. Each child works at his/her own pace. This program tracks their progress and has fun, interactive games along the way. This past Friday, I sent home a yellow sheet with the directions on how you can access this program from home. Please let me know if you need another one.

We access both of these programs on a weekly basis in class.

Mystery Readers

 Andrew's dad came in on December 6th!

 Elizabeth's mom was our reader on December 13th! We got to enjoy this mystery reader with our buddy class after making 3D snowflakes together.

Directions to making a 3D snowflake can be found here: 3D paper snowflake

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday break!

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