Our class has been working so hard! We have been learning so much every day! Monday your child brought home
his/her first math test. I was pleased with the scores. Please look
over the test with your son/daughter and make corrections together. I am
asking that the test is signed, corrected and returned by Friday,
October 4th.
We are on our second chapter in math. This week, we will be
rounding, estimating sums and estimating differences. Please continue to
practice addition and subtraction facts at home as often as possible.
We will have our third timed test on 14, 15 facts this Friday.
This week we will focus our work on becoming more fluent
readers. We will revisit decoding skills, specifically focusing on using context clues, as well as rereading to ensure understanding.
Last week we began our personal narrative unit. We
explored ways we as writers can generate ideas. This week we will
continue to add to our list of small moments and we will work on
developing our ideas into stories. Our focus will be on creating a
beginning, middle and end to our stories. You can help at home by having
conversations with your child about moments in their lives that are
special or memorable enough to make into an interesting narrative. We will also identify areas of our writing that we admire.
Last Wednesday, we planted our Wisconsin Fast Plants. They are taking off! This week we will discuss how
to make a scientific observation. We will be graphing the growth of our
plants, and thinning and transplanting our plants. Check out the video we watched about the scientist who developed these seeds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73S63xV_o34&feature=youtu.be
We will also begin to learn how to use the dictionary. This is an
essential skill for third graders. Once we have mastered the dictionary
the students will define their spelling words each week. In the meantime
I am asking you to help explain the meaning of unfamiliar words to your
son/daughter. They will be required to use their word in a sentence and
spell the word correctly on their quiz this Thursday.
Current Events began today! We were able to learn about the baby giraffe that was born at Adirondack Animal Land. Check out the video clip we viewed: http://www.news10.com/story/23517788/baby-giraffe
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